I’m going to take a minute to brag about my wife. I’ll call her George, because that’s what I’ve called her for years. Her kids call her Preuss. At first, I was offended. It seemed a little too forward, too familiar for the student – teach relationship. But I learned that they loved her and it was out of affection. Continue reading
The Road to Riches
This is the most money that I’ve ever held in my hand at one time. $10,000. It was a deceptively small stack on $100 bills. A stack of 100 $1.00 bills seems much thicker and heavier.
What would you do with $10,000 cash?
I got to pay the IRS. Again. As I did every year. Continue reading
The Power of Music
Have you ever heard a song so powerful that it made you stop and just think for a few minutes? Continue reading
I sat through a webinar last night. I’ve been getting e-mails from Jeff Goins since 2013. It’s not hard to join his Tribe Writers e-mail list. I’m actually enrolled on several lists and web sites – Writing.com, NaNoWriMo, Grammarbook, Writer’s Life, just to name a few. They are all packed full of useful information and motivation. But Goins’ just seemed a little bit different to me. More interested in the success of hopeful writers. Continue reading
Movin’ On Up!
I see that it’s been nine months since my last post. No apologies, I warned you. Continue reading
Lions, and Tigers, and Feds. Oh My!
I got audited.
I saw it coming. I got a letter in the mail telling me it was going to happen. Fortunately I was able to set my own execution date. I even got a letter from the auditor reminding me what I needed to bring with me, and adding to the list I’d already received. Continue reading
The Near Death Experience
In coming posts I’m going to discuss my views on things supernatural. These topics tend to generate a lot of disagreement, and therefore some vociferous debate. Fine, I can deal with that.
My first subject is the Near Death Experience (NDE). Continue reading
Savannah in Detroit
This is a picture of the mystery cat that was roaming the streets of Detroit for the last couple of days. I say was because some moron shot the animal and threw it in the trash. I’m not a tree-hugger, but I don’t appreciate the unnecessary killing of animals, especially ones like this. I really don’t buy that the person who shot the cat was justifiably afraid of it. Continue reading
Is Christian Gamers a Contradiction in Terms?
But some won’t believe it.
Ask most Christians about Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and they will tell you that it’s a tool of the devil. That you’re opening yourself up to demon possession and untold evil will befall you. That only Satanists play D&D. Continue reading
My journey began with DEATH, and the road less traveled.
This is an amazing story. I pray that Johnny’s experience will serve as a reminder as to what can happen when you mix alcohol and cars. I wonder, however, what he experienced, if anything, during that time when he was clinically dead. You might think that he wasn’t “gone” long enough, but on the other side, time has no meaning. I’ve read accounts of people who were dead for many minutes, but their experience lasted only moments, and stories of those who were dead for only a few moments and their journey lasted for hours. Continue reading